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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


August 20th, 2004 03:00

Laptop Screen Stays Black after closing...forever????

Hi, this has been an ongoing problem.

When i close the screen and it turns off, everything is fine.

But most of the time when I re-open the screen after 15 or more minutes, it won't turn back on.

The most I can do is blindly navigate using "sounds" to shut down my computer

But a lot of times i lose valuable information.




4 Posts

August 20th, 2004 11:00

Tried hitting Fn+F8?

1.3K Posts

August 20th, 2004 16:00

Depending on what model you have, there may be a small push button near the power button. This is what tells the OS that the lid has closed. Make sure it isn't stuck.

3 Posts

August 20th, 2004 19:00

the little button is not jammed, but i will try the fn-f8 the next time it happens.. we'll see if that works thanks


99 Posts

August 20th, 2004 23:00

had this problem when i used bad drivers.

installed newer and not so beta drivers and the problem was solved.

3 Posts

August 21st, 2004 16:00

Mine does the same thing but not when I close the screen, only when the laptop shuts off the display due to the power settings.

I have to use function-escape to suspend it then turn it back on to get the display working again. I've had three sets of video drivers that have all done the same thing. It's a 9100 with the 9700 video card.

146 Posts

August 26th, 2004 14:00

ive found problems like this and worse with bad drivers. try upgrading your drivers, or even going back a few versions in the next drivers. prince of persia wouldnt run on my laptop, kept crashing , so i put in 3 newer drivers , all with the same result, then i put in a real old driver and works

3 Posts

November 4th, 2004 14:00

Hey Guys... I updated Drivers and did everything downloading the latest, i tried hitting fn+f8 and it stilld id not work.
I think the screen is messed up in the sense that it does not re-initialize unless i turn off and back on the computer. perhaps the connection between the button which goes down when the screen is flattened.
i think I need to send it in?

3 Posts

November 11th, 2004 01:00

Nice, my previous post was deleted since I simulated the harsher form of "Darn."

In any case, I'm still having the same problem using any driver set I can find. I've also tried updating the bios. The problem only seems to happen after I have suspended the computer and turned it back on. If I have just turned it on it will come back from blanking the screen without a problem. I'm also having a weird problem with the power settings. I keep setting it to never turn off the screen while plugged in and only go to the screen saver but the settings reset every time I power the computer down. I'm not sure if the problems are related but it would seem likely.

Anyway, I'll probably wind up sending it in when I can but I need this thing too much for the time being. Hopefully some software fix will come out before that happens.
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