This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
8 Posts
December 20th, 2010 22:00
Battery Status Light flashes orange WHILE the AC is plugged in
I have an Inspiron E1705 laptop. It operates fine when the AC is plugged in but the battery status light flashes orange. When I check the battery status in the sofware, it indicates that the battery is 100% charged. When I unplug it, it stops working immediately, as if there was no battery attached. The manual explains what the blinking orange battery status light means when the laptop is operating on battery power (the battery charge is low) but it gives no indication of what the blinking orange light means when the AC is plugged in. Do I just need a new battery or do I have a more serious problem?
TIA for your answers--Sherman
9 Legend
9 Legend
47K Posts
December 21st, 2010 05:00
The battery is bad and must be replaced.
539 Posts
December 21st, 2010 06:00
When battery capacity reach the minimum level it flashes orange to warn for sudden collapse of battery voltage - hence abrupt black-out in the bytes pump.
A full cycle charge - preferably with the highest capacity charger (so the laptop can be powered also in the meanwhile) for a normal battery will turn the flashing light into green charging. (color depends on the model)
When the light stays orange even while charging and the battery is more than a year old it's prolly just worn out and ready for replacement.
A worn out battery won't charge. This easily measured with a power meter when the laptop is turned off with AC adapter connected.
Power consumption is nearly zero in this case. A healthy and empty battery will cause the AC adapter to go on full power.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
8 Posts
December 21st, 2010 10:00
Thanks for the prompt reply. I will replace the battery. I had suspected that was probably the problem but was confused by the fact that when I hovered over the notification icon for power, it says the battery is 100% charged. But I just noticed that I get the same indication on my Dell Precision T5500 which doesn't even have a battery. Doh!
9 Legend
9 Legend
47K Posts
December 21st, 2010 10:00
Many Laptops have a reserve battery that is for keeping the clock/cmos/hybernate active while the battery is being changed.
1 Message
July 29th, 2011 18:00
I have the same exact problem with my E1705 ....... the light blinks orange when plugged in and according to the manual this should occur when the laptop is operating on battery power. Did you make a final determination and if so what was the fix.
I don't want to buy a battery and it is actually something else.
TIA for your help !!!
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
8 Posts
August 8th, 2011 14:00
I replaced the battery and the problem went away.