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2 Posts


October 14th, 2018 01:00

Laptop graphic card

Hi, i'm unable to find my radeon hd 7670 graphic card in device manager, dxdiag etc. My laptop is dell inspiron 3521 i5 processor. i reinstalled the windows,, installated graphic driver but nothing happened.IMG_20181013_185209-min.jpg




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10 Elder


26.9K Posts

October 14th, 2018 03:00

Are you certain the system has the optional AMD GPU?  Relatively few of these do - most are Intel-only.

If you're sure, and there's no sign of the AMD GPU, it has failed.  The only way to restore that function is to replace the system board.


2 Posts

October 14th, 2018 23:00

Yes i'm sure that my laptop has dedicated amd gpu. I have used it earlier.but from a few days ive been unable to find my gpu. Is this hardware problem or software as i already reinstalled windows with latest drivers.

October 15th, 2018 02:00

Hello, Kash004, I saw that you were having trouble with your "Dell Inspiron 15 (3521)" I think I may have a solution to your issue.


Software related...

If you modified your processor(s) or graphics cards(s) drivers in one of the following ways, installed, updated, removed, this could have caused your problem. Another software-related issue could have been with your Windows installation, as it appears you have Windows 10, you are given the option to automatically install drivers, you could have not authorized Windows to automatically find drivers for your device or Windows failed to find a driver for your device. If this is the case it appears you have an "AMD Radeon Hd 7670" since this is an AMD graphics card, I would recommend you download and use AMD's AMD Driver Autodetect.


Hardware related...

system_auto_downloads_Dell-Inspiron-15-3521-Core-I5-Motherboard.jpgIn this case, your issue could also be hardware related, (if your graphics card is removable dropping the device could have caused it to come loose from its socket, in this case, you would need to open the device and reseat the graphics card(s). However, in your case, it appears your graphics card(s) are nonremovable, therefore the graphics card(s) would not have been able to have come loose. Therefore, the graphics card(s) may have malfunctioned/failed, therefore they are now nonfunction, or are just not being detected by the system. As your mainboard has the processor(s) and the graphics card(s) permanently socketed to the mainboard, they can not be removed. Therefore if your graphics card(s) needed                   Picture of your motherboard ↑↑↑                     to be replaced, you would need to replace your whole mainboard, however, I am not recommending that you go out and replace your motherboard until you know for sure what your issue is, it's most likely software related.

Hope this may have helped you! 

- fix-this-its-broken :Smile:


@ 2:06:35 AM    10/15/2018

10 Elder


26.9K Posts

October 15th, 2018 04:00

If you're certain you once had the AMD GPU, and have tried a reset (power off, battery out or disconnected, hold power button 30 sec) - it means the GPU has failed.  Replace the system board.


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