1 Rookie


7 Posts


December 7th, 2020 20:00

no sound

I have no sound on my computer experion 660. I have done several things. The speakers are working properly, The audio card is up to date. I uninstalled the driver, turned computer off and restarted. Everything is supposed to be working but is not. I have no sound!. Can I get a new driver? Besides buying a whole new computer, what should I do. ( I am not a technical person ).  Thanks for any help.

10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 8th, 2020 15:00

@igiveupcon wrote:

I now have sound!!! I went to check again for Windows 10 updates. I saw that when I did that the update icon on my computer was indicating I needed to restart my computer. I had all ready done that but did it again. This time when the updates were done, a box appeared saying something about DirectX. I just kept clicking the "next" button until done.  I also discovered something else. This is amazing. I had checked all the cables and cords connected to my computer and the speakers, everything was fine. But now, I discovered I had not checked to see weather the on-off sound device was turned on. My speakers have a separate switch for turning them on. Guess what----I had not turned the speaker switch to the on position. So, I don't know if the Windows update did the trick or if I just stupidly forgot to turn the speakers on, that did it. I now have sound!

I did ask how you knew the speakers were working... 

Glad you got it sorted...

9 Legend


14K Posts

December 7th, 2020 22:00

If you mean Inspiron 660, first remove discrete sound card, test sound output from integrated audio port at back (light green port between red and blue).

1 Rookie


7 Posts

December 8th, 2020 07:00

thank you, but I do not know how to do what you are suggesting.

10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 8th, 2020 12:00

@igiveupcon  Always include the version of Windows in your posts.

How do you know the speakers are working?

Open the Windows Sound screen and check that the correct Output and Input devices are selected
Have you adjusted the Master Volume control on that screen?
Have you run the Troubleshooter on that screen?

Windows  10 Sound screen looks like this:



1 Rookie


7 Posts

December 8th, 2020 13:00

yes, I have done that and all is supposed to be fine---but it's not. I have no sound. Now, I did a different kind of check (not that I know what I'm doing) that when I clicked on "show details", I see that my audio device is turned off in Windows and that both windows audio and windows audio end point builder is supposed to both be turned on and one of them is not. I did do a windows 10 update and restarted the computer. I still have no sound.  I can't afford to buy a new computer.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

December 8th, 2020 14:00

thank you.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

December 8th, 2020 14:00

I now have sound!!! I went to check again for Windows 10 updates. I saw that when I did that the update icon on my computer was indicating I needed to restart my computer. I had all ready done that but did it again. This time when the updates were done, a box appeared saying something about DirectX. I just kept clicking the "next" button until done.  I also discovered something else. This is amazing. I had checked all the cables and cords connected to my computer and the speakers, everything was fine. But now, I discovered I had not checked to see weather the on-off sound device was turned on. My speakers have a separate switch for turning them on. Guess what----I had not turned the speaker switch to the on position. So, I don't know if the Windows update did the trick or if I just stupidly forgot to turn the speakers on, that did it. I now have sound!

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