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October 22nd, 2022 20:00

EKS Anywhere, creating a simple KeyCloak server for various use-cases

EKS Anywhere, creating a simple KeyCloak server for various use-cases

This article is part of the EKS Anywhere series EKS Anywhere., extending the Hybrid cloud momentum

In this article., we will create a KeyCloak server running on a docker host. To ease things, we will use our existing EKS-Anywhere Administrative machine to host the dockerized KeyCloak server

Before starting, please ensure that there is a DNS entry for the intended FQDN of the KeyCloak server. For my setup, the KeyCloak server’s FQDN is and is mapped to host IP of that represents my EKS Anywhere administrative machine

Note: The admin username and password for the KeyCloak server is configured in Terraform as

  • username: admin
  • password: admin@12345678

For the SSO users (user-admin, user-dev, user-view-only), the password is same as the username

SSH into the EKS-Anywhere Administrative machine


mkdir -p $HOME/eks-anywhere/oidc/keycloak-datasource $HOME/eks-anywhere/oidc/new-keycloak-server.shsource $HOME/eks-anywhere/oidc/


What will the above scripts execute: script will instantiate a dockerized instance of KeyCloak via the docker-compose file rendered in the same directory. We do not need to worry about any of those files as the script will take care of everything via the input variables script will use the KeyCloak terraform provider to configure the KeyCloak server. You will need to just provide for the input variables and everything else will be automatically configured by the script itself.

Since Terraform is already installed on the EKS Anywhere Administrative machine, the script will simply collect the input variables and pass them as terraform variables. Thereafter it will use the terraform configurations to create the appropriate users (user-admin, user-dev, user-view-only) and the groups (kube-dev, kube-admin, kube-view-only).

In addition, it will create the appropriate KeyCloak clients, scopes, user to group mappings and other important parameters required for the purpose of the exercises contained in this saga series

Once the above scripts are executed, you can browse via https to the FQDN of your KeyCloak server and verify realms/clients/scopes/users/groups, etc.

Example screenshots:




The callback URLs for the OIDC client named kube have been configured to accommodate various use-cases in this saga series. We will discuss those later. 

In addition to the “kube” client, there is a specific OIDC client called as “argocdcligrpc”, which we will discuss in later articles while dealing with gitops concepts.

Let’s observe the actual execution of the above scripts. You can use it as a reference while executing the scripts


mkdir -p $HOME/eks-anywhere/oidc/keycloak-datasource eks-anywhere/oidc/new-keycloak-server.shfqdnOfKeycloakServer: keycloak.thecloudgarage.comGenerating a RSA private key....+++++.............................................................................................+++++writing new private key to 'tls.key'-----Creating network "oidc_default" with the default driverCreating oidc_keycloak_1 ... donedocker psCONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                            NAMESfa3cee4618c0   "/opt/jboss/tools/do…"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds>8080/tcp, :::80->8080/tcp,>8443/tcp, :::443->8443/tcp   oidc_keycloak_1


Now that KeyCloak is up and running, we will use the second script to configure KeyCloak. This will trigger the necessary configuration inputs and also execute a Terraform code that will configure the OIDC client, users, groups along with other settings in the above created KeyCloak server


source $HOME/eks-anywhere/oidc/create-oidc-users-groups.shfqdnOfKeycloakServer: thecloudgarage.comInitializing the backend...Initializing provider plugins...- Finding mrparkers/keycloak versions matching "3.6.0"...- Installing mrparkers/keycloak v3.6.0...- Installed mrparkers/keycloak v3.6.0 (self-signed, key ID C50867915E116CD2)Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here: has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the providerselections it made above. Include this file in your version control repositoryso that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default whenyou run "terraform init" in the future.Terraform has been successfully initialized!You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to seeany changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commandsshould now work.If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, othercommands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:+ createTerraform will perform the following actions:# keycloak_group.groups["kube-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-admin"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_group.groups["kube-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-dev"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_group.groups["kube-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-view-only"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client.argocdcligrpc will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client" "argocdcligrpc" {+ access_type                              = "PUBLIC"+ backchannel_logout_session_required      = true+ client_id                                = "argocdcligrpc"+ client_secret                            = (sensitive value)+ consent_required                         = false+ direct_access_grants_enabled             = false+ enabled                                  = true+ exclude_session_state_from_auth_response = false+ full_scope_allowed                       = true+ id                                       = (known after apply)+ implicit_flow_enabled                    = false+ name                                     = "argocdcligrpc"+ pkce_code_challenge_method               = "S256"+ realm_id                                 = "master"+ resource_server_id                       = (known after apply)+ service_account_user_id                  = (known after apply)+ service_accounts_enabled                 = false+ standard_flow_enabled                    = true+ use_refresh_tokens                       = true+ valid_redirect_uris                      = [+ "http://localhost:8085/*",]}# keycloak_openid_client.kube will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client" "kube" {+ access_type                              = "CONFIDENTIAL"+ backchannel_logout_session_required      = true+ client_id                                = "kube"+ client_secret                            = (sensitive value)+ consent_required                         = false+ direct_access_grants_enabled             = true+ enabled                                  = true+ exclude_session_state_from_auth_response = false+ full_scope_allowed                       = true+ id                                       = (known after apply)+ implicit_flow_enabled                    = false+ name                                     = "kube"+ realm_id                                 = "master"+ resource_server_id                       = (known after apply)+ service_account_user_id                  = (known after apply)+ service_accounts_enabled                 = true+ standard_flow_enabled                    = true+ use_refresh_tokens                       = true+ valid_redirect_uris                      = [+ "http://localhost:8000/*",+ "http://localhost:8085/*",+ "*",+ "*",+ "*",]}# keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.argocdcligrpc will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes" "argocdcligrpc" {+ client_id      = (known after apply)+ default_scopes = [+ "email",+ "groups",+ "profile",+ "roles",+ "web-origins",]+ id             = (known after apply)+ realm_id       = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.kube will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes" "kube" {+ client_id      = (known after apply)+ default_scopes = [+ "email",+ "groups",+ "profile",+ "roles",+ "web-origins",]+ id             = (known after apply)+ realm_id       = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client_scope.groups will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_scope" "groups" {+ gui_order              = 1+ id                     = (known after apply)+ include_in_token_scope = true+ name                   = "groups"+ realm_id               = "master"}# keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper.groups will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper" "groups" {+ add_to_access_token = true+ add_to_id_token     = true+ add_to_userinfo     = true+ claim_name          = "groups"+ client_scope_id     = (known after apply)+ full_path           = false+ id                  = (known after apply)+ name                = "groups"+ realm_id            = "master"}# keycloak_user.users["user-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-admin@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-admin"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-admin"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-admin"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user.users["user-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-dev@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-dev"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-dev"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-dev"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user.users["user-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-view-only@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-view-only"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-view-only"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-view-only"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}Plan: 15 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.Changes to Outputs:+ client-secret = (sensitive value)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Note: You didn't use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee to take exactly these actions if you run "terraform apply" now.Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:+ createTerraform will perform the following actions:# keycloak_group.groups["kube-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-admin"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_group.groups["kube-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-dev"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_group.groups["kube-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_group" "groups" {+ id       = (known after apply)+ name     = "kube-view-only"+ path     = (known after apply)+ realm_id = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client.argocdcligrpc will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client" "argocdcligrpc" {+ access_type                              = "PUBLIC"+ backchannel_logout_session_required      = true+ client_id                                = "argocdcligrpc"+ client_secret                            = (sensitive value)+ consent_required                         = false+ direct_access_grants_enabled             = false+ enabled                                  = true+ exclude_session_state_from_auth_response = false+ full_scope_allowed                       = true+ id                                       = (known after apply)+ implicit_flow_enabled                    = false+ name                                     = "argocdcligrpc"+ pkce_code_challenge_method               = "S256"+ realm_id                                 = "master"+ resource_server_id                       = (known after apply)+ service_account_user_id                  = (known after apply)+ service_accounts_enabled                 = false+ standard_flow_enabled                    = true+ use_refresh_tokens                       = true+ valid_redirect_uris                      = [+ "http://localhost:8085/*",]}# keycloak_openid_client.kube will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client" "kube" {+ access_type                              = "CONFIDENTIAL"+ backchannel_logout_session_required      = true+ client_id                                = "kube"+ client_secret                            = (sensitive value)+ consent_required                         = false+ direct_access_grants_enabled             = true+ enabled                                  = true+ exclude_session_state_from_auth_response = false+ full_scope_allowed                       = true+ id                                       = (known after apply)+ implicit_flow_enabled                    = false+ name                                     = "kube"+ realm_id                                 = "master"+ resource_server_id                       = (known after apply)+ service_account_user_id                  = (known after apply)+ service_accounts_enabled                 = true+ standard_flow_enabled                    = true+ use_refresh_tokens                       = true+ valid_redirect_uris                      = [+ "http://localhost:8000/*",+ "http://localhost:8085/*",+ "*",+ "*",+ "*",]}# keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.argocdcligrpc will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes" "argocdcligrpc" {+ client_id      = (known after apply)+ default_scopes = [+ "email",+ "groups",+ "profile",+ "roles",+ "web-origins",]+ id             = (known after apply)+ realm_id       = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.kube will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes" "kube" {+ client_id      = (known after apply)+ default_scopes = [+ "email",+ "groups",+ "profile",+ "roles",+ "web-origins",]+ id             = (known after apply)+ realm_id       = "master"}# keycloak_openid_client_scope.groups will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_client_scope" "groups" {+ gui_order              = 1+ id                     = (known after apply)+ include_in_token_scope = true+ name                   = "groups"+ realm_id               = "master"}# keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper.groups will be created+ resource "keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper" "groups" {+ add_to_access_token = true+ add_to_id_token     = true+ add_to_userinfo     = true+ claim_name          = "groups"+ client_scope_id     = (known after apply)+ full_path           = false+ id                  = (known after apply)+ name                = "groups"+ realm_id            = "master"}# keycloak_user.users["user-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-admin@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-admin"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-admin"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-admin"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user.users["user-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-dev@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-dev"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-dev"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-dev"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user.users["user-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user" "users" {+ email          = "user-view-only@emailDomainName"+ email_verified = true+ enabled        = true+ first_name     = "user-view-only"+ id             = (known after apply)+ last_name      = "user-view-only"+ realm_id       = "master"+ username       = "user-view-only"+ initial_password {+ temporary = false+ value     = (sensitive value)}}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-admin"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-dev"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}# keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-view-only"] will be created+ resource "keycloak_user_groups" "user_groups" {+ exhaustive = true+ group_ids  = (known after apply)+ id         = (known after apply)+ realm_id   = "master"+ user_id    = (known after apply)}Plan: 15 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.Changes to Outputs:+ client-secret = (sensitive value)keycloak_group.groups["kube-view-only"]: Creating...keycloak_user.users["user-dev"]: Creating...keycloak_openid_client_scope.groups: Creating...keycloak_group.groups["kube-dev"]: Creating...keycloak_user.users["user-admin"]: Creating...keycloak_openid_client.argocdcligrpc: Creating...keycloak_user.users["user-view-only"]: Creating...keycloak_group.groups["kube-admin"]: Creating...keycloak_openid_client.kube: Creating...keycloak_group.groups["kube-admin"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=2814ac7f-1c7e-4424-8b53-d0331ec5b400]keycloak_group.groups["kube-dev"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=2de2ebec-3c04-4e73-910e-8c4bdb1ad83b]keycloak_group.groups["kube-view-only"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=a8641171-cd74-46d8-8e50-fffe954a7f76]keycloak_openid_client_scope.groups: Creation complete after 0s [id=6272b3ae-633d-4338-b098-1dcdb8ee54ea]keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper.groups: Creating...keycloak_openid_client.argocdcligrpc: Creation complete after 1s [id=8ade07c6-add2-4683-b8c9-aba8200c1c03]keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.argocdcligrpc: Creating...keycloak_openid_group_membership_protocol_mapper.groups: Creation complete after 1s [id=587bb283-2762-4c2a-8a1c-a7d2cc5a960d]keycloak_user.users["user-admin"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=55129602-4c61-4005-8f39-512c6d1630e3]keycloak_openid_client.kube: Creation complete after 1s [id=2b8cd01c-828c-4c08-897c-5df1c76b71f4]keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.kube: Creating...keycloak_user.users["user-dev"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=7fb9a768-c065-4414-bc82-d94e325831c0]keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.argocdcligrpc: Creation complete after 0s [id=master/8ade07c6-add2-4683-b8c9-aba8200c1c03]keycloak_user.users["user-view-only"]: Creation complete after 1s [id=641b6e63-ee26-4455-9c0f-63fbe2608ea5]keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-admin"]: Creating...keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-dev"]: Creating...keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-view-only"]: Creating...keycloak_openid_client_default_scopes.kube: Creation complete after 0s [id=master/2b8cd01c-828c-4c08-897c-5df1c76b71f4]keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-dev"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=master/7fb9a768-c065-4414-bc82-d94e325831c0]keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-admin"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=master/55129602-4c61-4005-8f39-512c6d1630e3]keycloak_user_groups.user_groups["user-view-only"]: Creation complete after 0s [id=master/641b6e63-ee26-4455-9c0f-63fbe2608ea5]Apply complete! Resources: 15 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.Outputs:client-secret =


That’s it., our KeyCloak server is configured and ready for various use-cases in the EKS-Anywhere saga series.


Ambar Hassani


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