This post is more than 5 years old
4 Posts
January 22nd, 2010 15:00
Power button not working on desktop
I have a Dell computer I purchased in 2005. It has worked great and I have had no issues. All of this sudden, this morning, the power button won't work. I push it and push it and nothing but a yellow flashing light (the button flashes yellow). I unplugged everything and plugged it all back in twice and finally got the power button to work. Midday, I had to shut of the unit for a bit-when I came back to start it again, had the same issue, except this time no blinking light. Did the same thing, and finally got it to power up. ANyone ese had this problem or have any ideas why this is happening???
4 Operator
4 Operator
34.2K Posts
January 22nd, 2010 16:00
Hi, mightyamazon67:
Is this a Dimension 4600 or 4700?
4 Posts
January 24th, 2010 11:00
I don't know. How would I find that out????
2 Intern
2 Intern
2.8K Posts
January 24th, 2010 13:00
There should be a ring around the computer's power button that has its model number printed on it.
4 Posts
January 25th, 2010 05:00
no-there isn't anything printed around the power button
4 Posts
January 25th, 2010 07:00
It isn't black or beige it is silver and white-one of the mini towers purchase brand new from dell in 2005.
Dell Content Page .logo { z-index : -1; position : absolute; right : 0px; bottom : 0px; width : 300px; height : 300px; } .margins { margin-top : 44px; margin-left : 33px; margin-right : 33px; margin-bottom : 0px; } //get localized strings try { locdoc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");//PENDING try locdoc.async = false; locdoc.load("hcp://System/XMLs/locxml.xml"); var LAB_SRVTAG = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("Srvice_Tag").item(0).text; var LAB_EXPCOD = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("Express_Code").item(0).text; var LAB_PRCHIP = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("processor").item(0).text; var LAB_PRCLCK = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("speed").item(0).text; var LAB_CLKMHZ = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("mhz").item(0).text; var LAB_CLKGHZ = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("ghz").item(0).text; var LAB_MEMORY = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("memory").item(0).text; var LAB_MEMMBS = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("mb").item(0).text; var LAB_OPRSYS = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("operating_system").item(0).text; var LAB_OPRVER = locdoc.getElementsByTagName("os_version").item(0).text; } catch(axe) { // Debug, if errors // alert("Error: " + axe); } function getDellSysInfo() { var locator = wbemlocator; var service = locator.ConnectServer(); service.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3; var col1 = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from win32_ComputerSystem")); if(!col1.atEnd()) { var p = col1.item(); var Man = p.Manufacturer; var Mod = p.Model document.all['Manufact'].innerHTML= Man; document.all['Model'].innerHTML= Mod; if(Mod.indexOf("Inspiron", 0) == 0) { document.all['Dell_Icon'].src = "hcp://system/images/portable_icon.gif"; document.all['Dell_Icon'].style.visibility ='visible'; } else if (Mod.indexOf("Latitude", 0) == 0) { document.all['Dell_Icon'].src = "hcp://system/images/portable_icon.gif"; document.all['Dell_Icon'].style.visibility ='visible'; } else { document.all['Dell_Icon'].src = "hcp://system/images/desktop_icon.gif"; document.all['Dell_Icon'].style.visibility ='visible'; } } var col2 = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure")); if(!col2.atEnd()) { var q = col2.item(); var srvtag = q.SerialNumber; } document.all['label1'].innerHTML=LAB_SRVTAG; document.all['Mark_1'].innerHTML=srvtag; document.all['label2'].innerHTML=LAB_EXPCOD; document.all['Mark_2'].innerHTML=TAG2ESC(srvtag); var col4 = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor")); for (;!col4.atEnd();col4.moveNext()) { var s = col4.item(); } document.all['label3'].innerHTML=LAB_PRCHIP; document.all['Mark_3'].innerHTML=s.Name; document.all['label4'].innerHTML=LAB_PRCLCK; document.all['Mark_4'].innerHTML=fig2Words(s.MaxClockSpeed); var col5 = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PhysicalMemory")); var memCapacity = null; if (!col5.atEnd()) { for (;!col5.atEnd();col5.moveNext()) { var p = col5.item(); if(!isNaN(p.Capacity)) memCapacity += parseInt(p.Capacity); //in bytes. } } else { var insts = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")); for(; !insts.atEnd(); insts.moveNext()) { var inst = insts.item(); memCapacity += parseInt(inst.TotalPhysicalMemory); //in bytes. } } memCapacity = memCapacity/(1024*1024); //Change to Meg // alert(memCapacity/(1024*1024)); document.all['label5'].innerHTML=LAB_MEMORY; document.all['Mark_5'].innerHTML=memCapacity.toFixed(0) + " " + LAB_MEMMBS; var col3 = new Enumerator(service.ExecQuery("Select * from win32_OperatingSystem")); var strCountry = ""; for (;!col3.atEnd();col3.moveNext()) { var r = col3.item(); // alert(r.CountryCode); // alert(r.Locale); // strOS= r.Caption; // strOSVer= r.Version; // strCountry = getCountryInfo(r.CountryCode); // strLocale = getLocaleInfo(r.Locale); break; } document.all['label6'].innerHTML=LAB_OPRSYS; document.all['Mark_6'].innerHTML= r.Caption; document.all['label7'].innerHTML=LAB_OPRVER; document.all['Mark_7'].innerHTML= r.Version; // setTimeout("parent.ms_hw.document.all['Title'].innerHTML='Testtesting';",150); } function fig2Words(myNumber) { var x = Number(myNumber); if(x/(1024) > 1) return (x/(1024)).toFixed(2) + " " + LAB_CLKGHZ; else return x + " " + LAB_CLKMHZ; } function TAG2ESC(strTAG) { var intESC = ""; var intLength = strTAG.length; if (intLength==5 || intLength==7) { // cORRECT SERVICE TAG } else { var temp = ""; for (i = 0; i < intLength; i++) { if (strTAG.charAt(i) != " ") temp += strTAG.charAt(i); } strTAG=temp; intLength = strTAG.length; } if (intLength == 0) { return "-"; } intESC = 0; var Digit = new Array(intLength - 1); var x = 0; for (i = intLength - 1; i > -1; i--) { Digit = strTAG.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); x++; } for (i = 0; i < intLength ; i++) { if (Digit:emotion-55: != "0") { if (parseInt(Digit:emotion-55:) < 10) { intESC = intESC + Math.pow(36, i) * parseInt(Digit:emotion-55:); } else { var posx = Digit:emotion-55:.charAt(0); intESC = intESC + Math.pow(36, i) * (posx.charCodeAt(0) - 55); } } } if (intESC == 0) intESC = "-"; return intESC; }
Does this help???
2 Intern
2 Intern
2.8K Posts
January 25th, 2010 07:00
It's going to be difficult to help you without even knowing the model of your computer. Did you buy it new from Dell in 2005 or used elsewhere? Is the system black or beige?
2 Intern
2 Intern
2.8K Posts
January 25th, 2010 14:00
The silver color narrows it down a little but there are still too many Dimension models to tell what you have based on that. If the model number isn't on a ring around the power button then there should be a small badge somewhere on the front of your tower that has the model number engraved on it. If you can't locate this you'll need to find the service tag sticker of that machine and type it in on the product support page of support.dell.com using the computer you're on now. This will cause the system model to be displayed on your screen then we can go from there.
1 Message
January 26th, 2010 03:00
I've got a dimension 8200 from 2002, bought direct from Dell witht he same problem, started today - have checked all leads/cables that I can think of. Know motherboard is getting power as has lights on when connecting ethernet cable and on board when opening pc, but have nothing when pressing button - all help very greatfully receivewd
10 Elder
10 Elder
46K Posts
March 27th, 2010 13:00
Is the power button LED, solid green, blinking green, solid amber, blinking amber?
Check the sequence of the DIAGNOSTIC LIGHTS on the back panel.
Are there any 'Beeps', or error messages, does the power supply fan work?
3 Posts
March 27th, 2010 13:00
I am having the same problem with my Dell Dimension 4700.
My computer (Dell Dimension 4700c) is having problems starting. the power button flashes yellow. I've tried everything in Dell troubleshooting...besides uploading Master Boot Record fixer, in which it won't download. Tried to update drivers also, Dell download manager doesn't work, removed it. Now it's just asking me if I want to install it.
If anyone can help me, please.
10 Elder
10 Elder
46K Posts
March 27th, 2010 13:00
Double post, answered HERE
1 Message
April 27th, 2013 14:00
I have the Dell Vostro 260. The power button is not working. At first, I thought the button issue so I bought the supply and changed it. However, it's not the button issue at all. I saw the solid green light in the back of power supply. I saw solid amber light in the motherboard. There was no beep sound and the fan was not working when I tried to press the power button. I also checked everything like power supply fully plugged to the motherboard but it's still not working from the power button. Do you know what other issues to check. I bought this PC in 2010.
6 Professor
6 Professor
8.8K Posts
April 27th, 2013 16:00
It would be helpful if you created a new thread for this issue.