
This post is more than 5 years old

5 Posts


January 7th, 2000 19:00

?Other Devices in System - Dimen XPS D266

After numerous crashes, I decided to reload my PC. I have a Dell Dimension XPS D266 w/64mb RAM, 6gb hard drive, STB Velocity graphics card, and a 3Com 3C905 NIC. Unfortunately, the ZZTOP utility didn't work for me. There were no apparent problems loading Win95b on the PC, but when I look though Control Panel, System, and the Device Manager Tab, I see "? Other Devices". When I expand "? Other Devices", I see 2 entries: "PCI Bridge" and "PCI Universal Serial Bus".

Did I forget to load some drivers? I assume "PCI Universal Serial Bus" is for the USB connection, but where do I find the drivers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA. Kyle

4 Posts

January 7th, 2000 19:00

You absolutely need to install some extra *.inf files. These are probably found bundled in your software and are the drivers for your motherboard chipset. Windows95 versions do not carry these for most newer motherboards. Also, this will not really cause a problem the inf fix doesn't necessarily do anything besides make your device manager look pretty. However, they are necessary for the USBs to work properly and some Plug and Play hardware. If you aren't noticing any system problems with your sound or video and have no USB devices, you can probably leave them alone.


3.4K Posts

January 8th, 2000 04:00


This page will tell you what you need to know ....

Mis Dos Centavos,

fdisk and format instructions pages.

My Dell T@lk help site and Computer help links pages.

5 Posts

January 13th, 2000 18:00

No Text

2 Posts

February 28th, 2000 19:00

I'm having the same problem. You need one of the disks that the setup program told you to make when you first got your computer. My setup program told me to label one of the disks "Win95 Support for Intel PIIx4 Component-1" and that is the one I used. If you have a disk like that check the "Readme" file on it to make sure. When you run the setup program on the disk it automatically updates your system. Hopefully you'll have more luck with it than me, because mine only fixes the PCI Bridge. I'm waiting on e-mail from Dell to see how to fix the PCI USB.
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