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This post is more than 5 years old



December 16th, 2007 09:00

New Flight Simulator X game

Hi All
I have the new Flight Simulator X game not working well on an old dell Pc.
Can anyone suggest a dell Pc that will allow me to use the highest settings on this game. I have been told that the XPS 420 or the 720 is a good computer to have to play powerful games at their highest settings is this correct.
Any comments on this would be appreciated.

63 Posts

December 16th, 2007 12:00

I sent you a pm!

63 Posts

December 16th, 2007 12:00

I've been a user of the MS Flight Simulator franchise for 20 years. No PC out there on the market will enable you to run FSX on maximum settings and still maintain good FPS!! I have an XPS 720, E6600, 4Gb ram and 8800GTX. Using the defult aircraft with my setting at about 75% I get up too 100fps. In add-on aircraft like the level-D 767 I get 30-40fps. Make sure you have your Bloom lighting turned off! Its a real frame killer! Also there is service pack 1 and 2 avalible for the game that greatly improves the game. I suggest you head over to the Avsim forums for information on fine tuning.

Message Edited by petkez on 12-16-2007 09:02 AM

35 Posts

December 16th, 2007 13:00

more information here:
I agree with you petkez.There is no system on the market for Fligh Simulator X.If you wanna play with Ultra detail you must wait 2year and buy system.
P.S.Ofcourse if you know how you can go to the future buy system and back:)

41 Posts

December 16th, 2007 18:00

30 - 40 fps is more than enough to play the game with great results, even tv only needs to be 25fps so 25fps would be a good minimum, light bloom is great if you can do it, the real sense of flying at night !
Been flying since FS on my commodore Amiga back in the early 90's, I played it every day back then and still try to now, I fly light aircraft in the real world but FS is the closest im gonna get to a heavy so I tend to try and make the virtual world as real as I can get it !

8 Posts

December 17th, 2007 13:00

FSX is processor intensive. To maximize performance with the sliders set to or close to max for a desktop gaming machine (and if you have the money), look to the Precision 490/690 as the boards have two processor sockets that is capable to be configure as an 8 core machine. They come with Quadro cards which are not designed for gaming, the high-end Geforce cards will probably perform slightly better. 2-3GB RAM is enough for FSX. The XPS 7X0's are good for medium-high settings (depending on the internal hardware you have) but cannot run FSX at its max. Not much gain is accomplished with SLI video cards. Basically FSX wasn't designed (coded) to utilize the dual/quad core processors and SLI enhancements of today, SP1 introduced the capability to utilize them but has not maximized the performace capabilities. I believe FSX, like Vista, is bloated as its the same engine and core that FS8 and FS9 were based on. I would think MS/ACES now is writing a new engine for FS11.

3 Posts

December 17th, 2007 18:00

Are you saying that the Precision is better than the XPS for FSX. Does everyone else agree
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