
This post is more than 5 years old

1 Rookie


2 Posts


September 4th, 2006 14:00

Failed Boot at checkpoint [Ithr]

Anyone have a clue what this means?  My computer wouldn't boot this morning and the 3rd time I tried I got this message:
"Alert!   Previous attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [Ithr].  For help in resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Technical Support.

13 Posts

December 6th, 2008 14:00

I am also getting this error after having to reload windows.  Usually have to try 3 or 4 times to get the systems to boot so any help would be appricated.


3.4K Posts

December 6th, 2008 16:00

I am also getting this error after having to reload windows.  Usually have to try 3 or 4 times to get the systems to boot so any help would be appreciated.


If you have the "exact same" error message you can follow the advice I posted above. If you don't get the 'exact' error, please post your question in a new thread.

3.4K Posts

December 6th, 2008 16:00


That specific error message is telling you that there is some kind of problem with the CPU temperature, or the device that monitors the CPU temperature.

I suggest that you unplug the system, open it up and use a can of computer grade compressed air to clean out the system. Hold and fan blades to keep them from over spinning. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING INSIDE THE SYSTEM !! You can carefully check that all the fans are running while the case is open by plugging it back in and starting it up. Do not touch anything inside the system until you turn it off and unplug it from the wall outlet.

1 Message

July 23rd, 2009 14:00

 The thing is, after attempting to boot it like that a few times, it will give you that message, even after the issue is fixed. Just find the flat round "watch" battery and pull it out for a few seconds. It will then forget that it ever had an issue!

2 Intern


399 Posts

July 24th, 2009 09:00

I had the same [Ithr] problem with a Dimension 4700. Mine was related to the USB ports attached to the motherboard. The first few times, the error went away on its own after unplugging all USB devices and rebooting.

The next few times the error popped up, reinstalling the chipset drivers cleared the problem.

When that solution wouldn't clear the error, I purchased a cheap ($10) PCI USB card. That seemed to work for 8 or 9 months without a problem. The computer has since been retired.

1 Message

August 10th, 2009 09:00

Hi BrentAC,

   I'm experiencing the same problem on my Dimension 4700.  If you receive any response's could you forward them to me?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks 99TA

5 Posts

August 11th, 2009 15:00

Our Office has 4 4700 machines. Just past the warranty date... 2 of the 4 now experience the same error.   Could you please share any information you get my way?  Thank you!   We haven't changed any hardware.   All of a sudden, they just wouldn't boot.  There's a brief beep, and then the monitor shows "booting this system have failed at checkpoint [Ithr]"

I've taken the CPU chip out and tested on one of the good machines - that ran fine.   It appears to be something wrong with the motherboard itself.

I've taken the battery out.. and replaced it... also cleared the CMOS by switching the jumper and back.   Nothing gets it back on either machine.

What the heck is this error?  Why does it crop up just outside the warranty period?

Any ideas?



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