
This post is more than 5 years old

6 Posts


December 25th, 2003 17:00

Details for -- nVidia GeoForce FX 5200


I am looking to buy a Dimension 4600 desktop and I need dual-monitor support. I clicked the "Help Me Choose" for Video Cards that told me there were 2 ATI cards and 1 nVidia card that support dual monitors.

I am interested in getting more information on the nVidia GeoForce FX 5200 video card. I have looked everywhere on the web without success. I was hoping I could get some help on this board.

Specifically I wish to know:

1. if the video card has two outputs for the two monitors

2. the nature of the outputs: Analog outputs for HD15 connectors or DVI outputs

In my case I shall be connecting two Analog HD15 enabled monitors so I wish to make sure.

Any help would be most appreciated.



4 Operator


34.2K Posts

December 25th, 2003 19:00

Perhaps if you used the correct spelling, G-E-F-O-R-C-E, you would have more success finding information.

Yes, that card has support for dual monitor. Even if you have two CRTs, they usually supply a DVI-to-15-pin converter.

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