
This post is more than 5 years old

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November 30th, 2016 23:00

Removing disks/tiers

Hi, please excuse my extremely limited knowledge of Compellents!

We've a number of 2 tier systems, 15K and 7.2K disks in each tier. We've abandonded our support contract with Dell as we're moving to cloud and SANs will be decomissioned. In the meantime we've recently suffered a high number of 15K disk failures, and rather than source replacements I'm looking to remove working disks from some under-used SANs.

As it happens we have a couple of mirror SANs where we could potentially remove all 15K disks and still have plenty of capacity with the 7K disks (it's not clear to me why they have a fast tier at all, given that their bottleneck is a WAN).

The problem is that I have no idea how to remove an entire tier without potentially damaging the data that needs to remain on the SAN. Google-fu is failing me. Is this even possible? As mentioned above, my knowledge of these systems is extremely limited =:-(

52 Posts

January 5th, 2017 03:00

You can try below procedure (I have never try to run below procedure; do some tests before runing on production volumes) 


1 step. Change each volume storage profile from recomended all Tiers/High Priority Tier1 to Low Priority Tier3 7.2K (performance will be impacted for sure). After some time all volumes data/replays should migrate to 7.2 disks


1 step. create new volumes with Low Priority Tier3 storage profile and migrate data to new volumes



2 step"realase disk" - an array performs RAID rebalance. Disk is fully released after performing a RAID rebalance and you should be able to remowe disk from enclosure. Repeat for each disk you need to remove.

Fast Tier - http://www.brianmadden.com/opinion/Compellents-Fast-Track-What-is-it

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