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This post is more than 5 years old


August 19th, 2008 14:00

CX3-80 ERROR Events 2580, 7409, 740a, 743a,

Hello all, I'm trying to remove some "noise" from all the monitoring emails our team gets, and it appears that these groups of events are just that. They seem to be related to a weekly SPS test or something similar because they occur quite regularly. However, I've only been able to verify this through a KB search on Event Number 2580:

Knowledgebase Solution

Question: Why is a customer receiving email for event number 2580 after upgrading to FLARE code
Environment: Product: CLARiiON CX3-80
Environment: EMC Firmware: FLARE
Problem: 2580 Storage Array Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A : Faulted
Problem: Time Stamp 10/14/07 01:11:35 Event Number 2580
Severity Error Host STCLARIION1-SPB
Storage Array APM00072101234 SP N/A Device N/A
Description Storage Array Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A : Faulted

The customer got an email from SP A and SP B for power supplies Power A and Power B.
Problem: Event 0x2580
Change: Array recently upgraded to FLARE
Fix: The event number 2580 should be unchecked in the monitor template. According to EMC Engineering, event 2580 event is always called during an SPS test even if the SPS has no problems. That is why this event is not monitored. If there is a problem with the SPS, a subsequent event will identify the problem and dial home.

Note: Navisphere may need to be in engineering mode in order to access the template properties.

So, I intend to turn off event number 2580 but am a bit hesitant on the others, even though they appear in a batch with the 2580 events every week. Does anyone know about these others and whether they are just 'fallout'? Here is the typical sequence:

Time Stamp 08/14/08 04:14:21 (GMT) Event Number 2580
Severity Error Host cx1953c1
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP N/A Device N/A
Description Storage Array Faulted Enclosure SPE : Cabling information differs between SPs; may indicate disconnected cabinets.

Time Stamp 08/14/08 04:15:19 (GMT) Event Number 7409
Severity Error Host cx1953c1
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP A Device N/A
Description Disk Processore Enclosure (Enclosure SPE) is faulted. Servers may have lost access to disk drives in this storage system. See Navisphere Manager Alerts for details.

Time Stamp 08/14/08 04:15:23 (GMT) Event Number 743a
Severity Error Host cx1953c1
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP A Device N/A
Description Navisphere can no longer manage (SP B). This does not impact server I/O to the storage system. See Navisphere Manager Alerts for details.

Time Stamp 08/17/08 01:00:20 (GMT) Event Number 2580
Severity Error Host cx1953c2
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP N/A Device N/A
Description Storage Array Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power B : Faulted

Time Stamp 08/17/08 01:01:26 (GMT) Event Number 740a
Severity Error Host cx1953c1
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP A Device N/A
Description Disk Array Enclosure (Bus 0 Enclosure 0) is faulted. Servers may have lost access to disk drives in this enclosure. See Navisphere Manager Alerts for details.

Time Stamp 08/17/08 01:06:58 (GMT) Event Number 2580
Severity Error Host cx1953c1
Storage Array APM00074601953 SP N/A Device N/A
Description Storage Array Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A : Faulted

There are usually a few more of the same. We somewhat ignore these but really want to know if there's something wrong or is the CX just "crying wolf" for no reason?

Thanks - cz

9 Posts

August 19th, 2008 14:00

oh yeah, P.S. we are running FLARE

238 Posts

August 20th, 2008 14:00

Can you please clarify if the array is running (major release 26) or (major release 24)? Both are mentioned; just want to make sure.
Also, how frequently are you seeing these messages?


9 Posts

August 21st, 2008 06:00

The FLARE major 24 is mentioned in the KB article (because I guess this is when it was first reported), but we are definitely running the major 26 version I listed. I do know this is not the latest patch level - we are planning an outage soon to upgrade some drive firmware with known issues and will probably bring FLARE up to the latest at that time.

Anyway, these alerts come out pretty regularly once a week. So again, my belief is that they are all related to a weekly SPS test but would like to confirm it on the others (I already turned off 0x2580 as the KB article suggests).

I'm particularly concerned about the one stating that there is a cabling discrepancy. I haven't physically verified the backend loop sequence but there are no other indications that anything is amiss, so I tend to assume that it's 'noise' but would like to be sure.

Thanks - cz

August 22nd, 2008 10:00

I have seen these some of these messages before and believe they are false positives. I believe if you send Support a set of SPCollects, they will be able to tell you if everthing is ok or not.

238 Posts

August 22nd, 2008 14:00

We've checked on this, and the message regarding "Cabling information differs between SPs; may indicate disconnected cabinets" is confirmed to be a reporting issue ("noise"); it is already corrected in the current patch levels of Release 24 and Release 26. If you update to the latest software during your upcoming maintenance, those messages should go away.


P.S. For CX3-series arrays, current patch levels are; Release 24 patch .019, and Release 26 patch .016

1 Message

December 3rd, 2008 19:00

I'm seeing the same error. can someone confirm if a simple flarecode upgrade will fix this?

Time Stamp 11/30/08 01:13:04 Event Number 740a Severity Error Host SCPSAN01SPA Storage Array APM00072902387 SP A Device N/A Description Disk Array Enclosure (Bus 0 Enclosure 0) is faulted. Servers may have lost access to disk drives in this enclosure. See Navisphere Manager Alerts for details.

61 Posts

December 4th, 2008 06:00

Hello JSlater,

As DGM indicated, that error can be sent along with the event 2580 error as noise in certain revisions of Flare (CLARiiON Firmware.) However, I would recommend you open a support case so the full context of the error and the array health can be examined. This can be done via Powerlink "My Support"

1 Message

August 1st, 2016 06:00


Customer is facing the same issue for the same issue every day for the SPS.

A       07/31/16 01:00:24                    2580 Storage Array Faulted Enclosure 0 : Faulted Enclosure 0 SPS A : Faulted

A       07/31/16 01:00:24 Bus0 Enc0 SpsA      698 Battery Testing In Progress [Testing]    0    0        80

B       07/31/16 01:00:40                    2580 Storage Array Faulted Enclosure 0 : Faulted Enclosure 0 SPS A : Faulted

Kindly help me out to know the exact issue??

But SPA A and SPS B are in OK state.

1.4K Posts

August 1st, 2016 14:00

What FLARE Version are you running on SPs? If there is no fault LED ON on the physical SPs. I would recommend to upgrade the FLARE Version on the SPs, if available.

No Events found!
