1 Rookie


11 Posts


July 22nd, 2021 16:00

x17 R1, spare power supplies not yet available, need help with XMP memory

My x17 R1 arrived last Thursday, seems to be running fine. Was concerned about some online posts about display, keyboard and other problems, but haven't noticed any thus far, and have run the pre-boot diagnostics since reading those posts. The only problem that I have is with direct BTLE connections with my smart bike using the Zwift Windows app, which is a known problem with the Windows 10 BTLE implementation, doesn't occur with Mac OS, iOS or iPad OS. 

It is a maxed-out model with 64GB XMP RAM (the 3200 MHz RAM wasn't an available option), with the i9-11980HK, RTX 3080, 4 TB Raid 0 pair of SSDs and 120 Hz 4K display.

Have been pleasantly surprised at the minimal and non-irritating fan noise with ACC quiet mode. Only one fan each runs for the CPU and GPU with that setting with regular laptop use thus far.

The Cherry keyboard took a little getting used to, coming from an XPS-13, but I now like everything but the lack of pass-through lighting for the secondary keys and fairly low contrast with the symbols and black key background. Expect that is to decrease distraction for gaming. The top row of keys aren't mechanical.

This unit was bought to use as my Windows laptop at home and also to run Zwift, which requires a substantial CPU and GPU resources for optimum performance and 4K resolution.

I need the move it back and forth from my home office to the great room, where my smart bike (Kickr Bike) is located for morning rides, and would like an extra power supply to keep in the great room. Spare 330W power supplies are not yet available from Dell, but the sales rep will email me when available. How long does it usually take for these to become available when new Alienware models are released?

Also need help on overclocking. Dell technical support told me that overclocking will not void the Dell warranty. I wanted to try changing the memory speed to XMP speed, without other changes in the ACC Fusion tab,  to see if that would help graphics performance with Zwift, without adding much fan noise for routine laptop use. 

However, no obvious options are available to do that, and the only overclock profile that uses XMP speed is Overclock 02, which is louder than I would like for routine laptop use. Reboots are needed to switch back and forth, so I have reverted to standard speeds without overclocking. I just change thermal profile back and forth from quiet to performance mode for rides, which doesn't require reboots. 

Am I missing something in the setting options?

Don't have any games (yet), so can't comment on gaming performance. 

However, my morning ride today on Zwift had average FPS 54, with maximum 60 and minimum 45 in Ultra profile for Zwift (4K display) with Ultra (2160P) graphics resolution and similar shadow resolution.

I have uploaded a Zwiftalyzer analysis of this morning's workout ride:zwiftalyzer 7-22-2021_1.jpgzwiftalyzer 7-22-2021_2.jpgzwiftalyzer 7-22-2021_3.jpg

Community Manager


55.9K Posts

July 23rd, 2021 08:00

The sales person is incorrect. The 330W AC power adapters show as not available to sell.

1MDV8 Liteon AC power adapter, 330W, 19.5V, 3 pin, 7.4mm, C14 power cord (x17 R1/m17 R4/m17 R3/Area-51m R2)

GMT0M Delta AC power adapter, 330W, 19.5V, 3 pin, 7.4mm, C14 power cord (x17 R1/m17 R4/m17 R3/Area-51m R2)

19 Posts

October 1st, 2021 00:00

Regarding your question on the RAM... you can enable the XMP in the BIOS without using the Overclocking in the Command Center.  when you do choose to use the overclocking in the Command Center, it will disable the feature in the BIOS (one or the other).  

You can create a custom profile in the command center to not overclock the CPU and GPU and just overclock the Memory (enable the XMP), if you choose.

7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

July 22nd, 2021 19:00

Hi @easttn welcome to this user to user discussion forum. This is not Dell Support. 

Please look at the label on the ac adapter for Dell Part Number DP/N. Use this DP/N to search internet and get another 330W ac adapter with 6 ft power cable for your region. They are usually sold on https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/, Amazon, eBay, etc. 

Please click on Kudos to say thank you for response from user that is not employed by Dell. Please share an update on progress, so that other users derive benefit from your experience. Thank you. 

7 Technologist


6.1K Posts

July 23rd, 2021 09:00

Hi @DELL-Chris M thank you for sharing update.

Internet search on "AC power adapter, 330W, 19.5V, 3 pin, 7.4mm, C14 power cord" gives many hits with different DP/Ns.  Example: GT1CX 0GT1CX 330W AC Adapter for Dell. 


1 Rookie


11 Posts

July 23rd, 2021 14:00

The 330 watt power adapter is the Lite-On LA330PM190. 

As noted, it is not listed as for sale on the Dell web site. 

I am reluctant to purchase this from a third party, so will have to wait until available from Dell. 

Community Manager


55.9K Posts

July 25th, 2021 06:00

"AC power adapter, 330W, 19.5V, 3 pin, 7.4mm, C14 power cord" gives many hits with different DP/Ns."
* Agreed, but they were not tested/validated with the x17 R1. Could they work, possibly. It would be up to the user to risk the purchase.

2 Posts

September 17th, 2021 05:00

I am having the same issue in trying to get a 2nd power supply. I have been given the part number GMT0M Delta AC power adapter by techincal support but cannot find it for sale anywhere. 

Interested to know if I could get the slimline 240W adaptor and whether it will work on the 3080 equipped version I have if I don't want to run at max performance.....

1 Rookie


11 Posts

September 17th, 2021 15:00

Did you talk to Dell sales?

They didn't have any 330W chargers available when my X17 R1 arrived in July, but did have them when I checked back in August. 

I think that all X17 R1s with the RTX 3080 need the 330W charger.

Here is the relevant information from my invoice:

Payment Terms: Credit/Deb.Card
Invoice Date: 08/10/2021

Order Date: 08/10/2021
Sales Rep: 
Shipped Via:
Purchase Order:

Sub-Total: $ 159.99
Ship. &/or Handling: $ 0.00
ENVIRO FEE: $ 0.00
$ 159.99
$ 0.00
$ 15.20
Invoice Total: $ 175.19
Dell Advantage $ 25.83
Credit/Deb.Card $ 149.36
Balance Due: $ 0.00
Number Description Qty Unit Unit Price Amount
332-1432 Dell 330-Watt AC Adapter with 6 ft Power Cord 1 EA 159.99 159.99

The charger that came with the laptop was manufactured by Lite-On, and the spare charger by Delta.

They seem identical in physical appearance, except that the green power LED on the Delta charger is brighter.

Both chargers only get moderately warm to the touch to similar degree under load.

1 Rookie


11 Posts

October 3rd, 2021 10:00

Thanks -

I was able to do that through the last BIOS by just not enabling other overclocking in the BIOS, but had missed that it could also be done through ACC.

That worked fine, but it seemed to be associated with higher baseline fan speeds and noise in quiet mode, still fairly quiet.  I reverted back to standard memory speed since I pretty much only use the gaming capabilities for Zwift rides each morning when outdoor rides not feasible, and that didn't result in higher frame rates on Zwift than the baseline 60 fps that I was getting.

Even using Overclock 2 preset that increased memory to XMP speed didn't seem to have any impact, is louder when using as productivity laptop, and each type of overclocking requires a reboot to change.

I still get max resolution on Zwift with any of these options, expect this is due to them using OpenGL graphics. Max resolution on Zwift supposedly only needs GPU >= GTX 1650 (unclear whether that spec is desktop or laptop version), and a much less powerful CPU than this i9-11980HK.

I'm not sure whether the XMP-only overclock option is available in the new 1.3.0 BIOS, as I didn't go through the available options after installing it and then rebooting. Will do that next time that a Windows Update requires a reboot.

1 Message

February 9th, 2022 19:00

If its not for sales how can i get the 330W power adaptor?

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