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This post is more than 5 years old


May 31st, 2011 17:00

M17-R3 Failing Power Supply?

Anyone have any ideas?


One week old M17-R3 machine. When using the machine, it swaps from the battery to AC randomly. it does these everyday.

it doesnt seem to do it when i am playing WoW only when browsing the internet.

i know its the AC adapter because i removed the battery and booted with ac adapter only. And the machine booted up rans for about 5 mins then turned off when the power supply cut out.

Should i be getting a replacement for this AC adapter before it fails completely or is there a setting that needs to be set.



4 Posts

May 31st, 2011 17:00

Oh and my service tag is also not recognized in the dell system either.

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