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This post is more than 5 years old


February 23rd, 2013 08:00

Fans really loud

I own a Alienware aurora and over the past few months every now and then when i turn on my machine the fans are really loud, to the point where it's hard to have a conversation with someone stood in the same room. 

Normally after opening up the case and a few restarts it dies down and goes back to normal. So i've been cleaning it as i assumed it was dust that would cause this. It has been fine for the passed week or so then yesterday when i got home and turned it on it was back to being loud again. 

So i spent about two hours last night rebooting with the side of the case off and trying to get the thermal control settings to respond to me but i had no luck so i turned it off and left it for the rest of the evening. 

Now the pc itself seem to work fine, i can boot it up and log on etc and use it as i normally would. But on boot up i get cpu fan failure press f1 to continue. 

So came back to it today and when turning it on it's still continuing to make this noise. So i cleaned it all out and vaced it out etc and still no joy. 

Looking at the thermal controls none of my sensors are recording anything. everything is just set to 0. Now during the past two days i've seen the RPM on the fans go up very high but now everything is just on 0 and the cpu pump says failed. I've tried to change these to see if it does anything but nothing happens. 

I'm torn between leaving it on to blow the dust out and get it out its system and turning it off to not do more damage. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated as the pc isn't really usable when it is this loud. As i can't hear anything, even with my headphones on and it's giving me a headache to use for more than about 30 mins.  

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 23rd, 2013 12:00

See my post here:

Paying special attention to "Power Dissipation" fix and testing MIO-Board (outside of Windows) with Dell Diagnostics (PSA - ePSA).

Verify that MIO-Board is still working outside of Windows.

15 Posts

February 23rd, 2013 14:00

Thanks for your reply.

I ran the Diagnostics and nothing failed. I have also now uninstalled the command center and reinstalled it and it's still the same.

A friend has suggested that because it starts as soon as i hit the power then it may be bios related.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 23rd, 2013 15:00

I ran the Diagnostics and nothing failed.

You did a Custom test and specifically tested the MIO-Board, fans and lights?

15 Posts

February 24th, 2013 07:00

could you explain how to run that? as i can't see anything mentioning any of those currently.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 24th, 2013 12:00

When you run Dell Diags (outside of Windows) do you see the specific test for MIO-Board? Does it test good. Do you see the test for the Lights in there also? Do they test good?

Press F12 on Boot

Boot to Utility Partition

Test System - Diagnostics

Custom Test

Master IO USB Device

CPU Fan on/off

- This test will speed up and slow down System/Radiator fan. Mine shows between 1200-4000 rpm

- - You might have to exit Diags and reboot to get fan speed back down to normal.

There is another test right below it that will show stats on all sensors/fans. Maybe run that one first. In this test, the "CPU Fan" is correctly called "System Fan".

You can also play with the lights while in there to make sure the MIO-Board is working.

You can also burn a bootable CD with the latest version of Dell-AW Diagnostics, and use that instead.

Details about each test:

Sensors Test
- System Fan (Correct name for Radiator fan)
PWM 100 , RPM 1188

- CPU Pump
PWM 100 , RPM 1404

- the above are correct, but I notice some others are incorrect or miss-placed.
A newer version might have fixes. This is the old version loaded on my Aurora back in 2009.

CPU Fan Test (Incorrect name for System/Radiator fan)
RPMs should be 1200-4000
On-Off test will work (low to high) but might leave fan on high and require a reboot to get back down to normal

Master IO USB Device
This test is at the very bottom (might have to scroll down) ... but only if the MIO-Board is detected and not locked up

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 25th, 2013 02:00

The fans, lights and sensors are connected to the MIO-Board. The MIO-Board is connected to the motherboard via internal USB cable.

I don't recommend removing or re-installing side cover with the power on.

I suggest you keep power going to machine even when off. Turn on-off with power switch on top or Windows Shut-down selection.

Glad to hear it's working better.

15 Posts

February 25th, 2013 02:00

Again, thank you for your swift response.

It's actually gone back to normal since my last post, but there's no real reasoning behind it.

I ended up doing some work on it as i needed to, so i sat through the noise and just as i was about to turn it off for some piece and quiet and decided i would put the case side back on and just as i did the noise just stopped.

I have book marked this thread so i have some things to try if it does it again (it may do it again today, i've not had chance to try it yet) so thank you for your reply.

Any idea where the fans/sensors connect to the motherboard? as i noticed some connect to the side of the case and i was wondering if maybe one of the sensors had come lose and when i placed the side back on it gave it the push it needed back in place. It seems unlikely but i really can't see why suddenly placing the side back on would cause it to stop completely.  

15 Posts

February 25th, 2013 16:00

Update: Back to how it was before. There doesn't seem to be a Utility Partition on boot up so will have to burn a disk and try it later.

I've about had it now though so most likely just going to use warranty as i have it and get someone out.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 25th, 2013 16:00

Is this an Aurora R4? What Intel processor is installed?

How old is it?

6 Posts

August 31st, 2013 22:00

Im having the same problem when I play fsx the fans are running at 100 per cent ive tried everything ive come to the conclusition that alienware aurora is a piece of <ADMIN NOTE: Substitute character removed as per TOU> that cant cope with older software I paid 3 grand for this 

<ADMIN NOTE: Substitute character removed as per TOU>I could of had a great machine for lessor money alienware r4 what a flop big time!

1 Message

February 3rd, 2014 11:00

I had the same problem yesterday so I phoned up the Alienware technician and what ended up being my problem was that I needed to update my bios as well I had my pci fans and my hard drive fans on Auto which the tech said that they don't advise you to do so.  He reset my fans for me to run at about 40% using the curve on your alienware Command Centre.   To customize your fans curve open up your Alienware Command centre, at Thermal controls click manual (user control),  then on pci fan click where it shows the rpms the curve screen should pop up.  My Pci fan fixed is at 50% and my curve is as follows ( Green dot on the corner of 0 and 15, Red dot 20 and in between 35 and 45, Yellow dot just below 40 and 65).  Hard Drive Fan fixed 50% and curve is as follows (Green dot 0and 15, Red dot just below 20 and in between 35and 45, Yellow dot just below 40 and 65).  I hope my instructions are clear enough and remember to check and see if you need to update your bios around every 4 months because that is what the Alienware tech told me.  I hope my info helps those who still need help with this issue.

20 Posts

March 22nd, 2014 10:00

It's interesting that the tech himself mentioned that you shouldn't use auto on the fans, and I'm surprised he suggested updating bios every 4 months... I certainly wouldn't update a bios if I didn't need to. It's a risk every time and if it goes wrong, you're looking at buying a new motherboard.

As for BIOS update, I had a similar issue (at idle the fans were a normal ~1200 rpm but during *any* game it would crank up to 4000+ rpm i.e. like an aircraft taking off), and I fixed it by flashing the bios from a05 to a11.

The update was... problematic... in that the bios installed successfully but the reboot failed, but luckily a further reboot fixed it. It now runs just great (around 2500 rpm under load) which is nice and quiet but keeps the temp down. This is running the auto settings in the thermal controls, too.

1 Message

June 2nd, 2015 10:00

Mine started to make crazy loud fan noises about 1 year after I bought it. I ended up using a portable air tank with a nozzle to blow excess dust out of the radiator. I haven't had a problem since. I tried a vacuum cleaner at first, but it didn't get all the dust out, had to blow it out.


30 Posts

April 6th, 2016 14:00

I know this is WAY late for an answer ......  but I have been having this same problem with an AURORA  R4. Whoever this "Rock Star" assistance seems to be out of the loop on many things .

The "Outside DOS " diagnostics is a BIOS built diagnostics. It is NOT apparent it is even there because it is relegated to the bottom of the options. You "BOOT" to ePSA.

I have had MULTIPLE problems with my system during 3 years  and that ePSA utility has NEVER found a problem. Why ? BECAUSE it is meant to RUN outside the OS. Most of my problems I have found myself and they ALL have to do with poor (***) programming on the part of Alienware regarding .NET access, AND Microsoft updates which Microsoft FORCED updates even if you have it set NOT to update anything unless YOU decide. I recently had a tech show up who sent two day here and rebuilt the box with all new parts . He fixed a hanging problem that would only allow me to restart the box by pulling the power plug. press the power button (HARD) for 20-30 seconds let go and reinsert the power plug. Since there will be idiots who will ask (Alienware being one.. YES I DO have a UPS and my flow is SOLID and clean at 100%. So this TURBO JET noise that happens randomly began after the machine was rebuilt here and the Command Center was reinstalled. After THAT happened I realized that AMD had uploaded a driver update which some "Turbo" features (which I have never used) .

Now I am getting ANOTHER (less than 2 months since last one) update from AMD. So "MY" investigation revolves around:

The command center itself
The Dell "Vault" (what the *** is that and how did it get in my system?)
The AMD "need for speed" overclocking the video cards and this being being misread by the dismal command center. You may notice when the fan goes into jet engine mode, you can look at the command center and NO changes in temperature are recorded , hence the noise is not "cooling" the box or the sensors are not "sending" anything  at least RT

I suggest setting the interval of temperature sampling to the minimum (almost constant) and see if YOU see a difference in displayed temperature.

*I* personally would ignore ALL this "Rock Star" bull, and when in trouble CALL the guys in Costa Rica. hang up on Indians or even USA techs. The Costa Ricans GOT IT!

I am still battling my Monzoon sound and Ill post something if I hit it . BUT "MY money is on Command Center and Microsoft .NET and the unwillingness of Dell to re-write Command Center with the latest version of .NET.

BTW,  Microsoft has checked my machine remotely and they confirm that "MY" 3 year old Aurora R4 is incompatible with Win 10.



2 Intern


1.8K Posts

April 6th, 2016 17:00

Oh Jesus, not u again. Mr Space Shuttle himself. Ty for posting a NASA-style investigation for us; the Challenger Team - nay - even the Batman would seem to have nothing on your detective skills.

'My' investigation has uncovered the fact that on learning your system had issues 'for years', the RockStar aka 'Tesla' asked a simple qwestion re: the use of a UPS, in this thread: Alienware Command Center Windows 10, fan speed issues. Mostly cabinet fans



Is it my imagination or did you just call my friend an idiot in your post today

Tesla easily fixed his Aurora 100% fans on W10, which makes for one & only one idiot left in this room AFAICT & it ain't me & it ain't him so I guess that only leaves you

Alien Moderator: delete the useless inflammatory 4PM post above which has been flagged as 'abuse' then delete this post, at your leisure 

To whom it may concern: the original & subseqwent posts were generated at a point-in-time when R4 liquid cooling pumps were about to be prone to experience systemic-level malfunction leading to 100% fans (to combat an overheating CPU situation); all advice given in this post was proper when read in the context of our Feb 2013 mindsets. When asked if it was an R4, the OP failed to respond.

FYI: Don't kid yourself; free RockStar assistance can cut through the bull & can put one in the loop whilst remaining free of artificial colors flavors & preservatives ... most important, technical advice can stand in place & be free of self-serving self-indulgent emotionally-driven drivel

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