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January 8th, 2016 05:00

Alienware Alpha is blinking yellow lights when turned off. How to fix?

Hello, I have been experiencing problems with my Alpha lately. This problem started occurring within my 3rd week into me having my alpha (which is unfortunate.). When I went to go turn it off or reboot the system It would not seem to come back on. I tried using the power drain method and would end up fixing it temporarily, However, the problem would then get more severe and would be harder to turn back on. Mine was flashing in a sequence of five blinking yellow lights when it tried to be turned back on. Do I send it back or does Alienware have a fix for this?

2 Posts

January 8th, 2016 20:00

Sorry for the lateness with my post was out and about. However, I found a quite surprising fix to the situation. I am one to brag and seeing how I like to compare specs with my "Geek" friends I like to take my alpha to their house and play a game with them. I didn't really invest in one of those alpha bags because I thought a book bag could do just the same. Turns out I was wrong. My dad who is tech savvy thought we should try taking a look at the alpha ourselves. So we checked for the warranty void sticker and it was not there and we proceeded to dismantle it. We took out the hard drive then we went to then we removed the chassis. We then got to the guts and all we did is we wanted to make sure everything was intact (We did not want to send it back seeing how it would be time consuming and a inconvenience.). ALL WE DID WAS REMOVED THE MEMORY STICKS AND PLACED EVERYTHING BACK IN. I went to go plug it back in and is working perfectly fine. Now, I am typing this as of two restarts of the alpha and it seems to be going great. I guess we will have to see what the future brings... Anyways, I will keep you guys/girls updated and tell you if it gets worse from here.

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

January 8th, 2016 13:00


It may be best to send it in for repairs, it could be a motherboard failure. For assistance with this, send me your Service Tag in a PM.

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

January 14th, 2016 15:00


Thank you for confirming this. 

February 16th, 2016 23:00

did this fix the problem for good or is it something you have to keep doing? and  how hard was it to do so?

March 2nd, 2016 20:00

i just wanna let you know I spent about 2 hours figuring this out revoving one part at a time and turning back on and off and still a yellow light..........well long story short it wasn't the power drain or outlet it was plugged into turns out if I unplugged my hard drive out and back in it has been working amazing lately every tiem I turn it I can only assume it was my harddrive being disconnected all I did was make suer I scewed it in kinda tight 

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