Learn about consolidation strategies for online transaction processing (OLTP) applications storing data in the SQL Server® Database Engine.

Databases tend to be very widespread across the enterprise because they are very efficient for handling relational storage of data and are designed to be platforms for a wide variety of applications. Databases form the foundation of many business systems, but organizations can easily lose control of the number of databases they have to maintain because many databases are created to solve a specific problem. Consequently, databases are one of the prime candidates for consolidation.

Organizations should take the initiative to optimize their IT infrastructure by opting for a comprehensive solution, such as server consolidation. The latest generation of servers processes workloads faster and reduces administration, maintenance and hardware costs.

The Dell™ PowerEdge™ portfolio offers a new generation of servers with flexible services, such as easy configuration, powerful open-standard systems management and scalable storage. This server product line uses the new range of Intel® Xeon® 5500 series processors and storage.